4 Ways To Give Your Money A Makeover in 2014
Posted: December 27, 2013
Ahhh, the New Year. Most of the hustle & bustle of the major holidays are behind us now, and this is that time of year when – like it or not – you look back at the past 51 weeks and plan for the next 54 or so. Some “resolutions” are physical: quit smoking, lose weight, eat healthier. Others are emotion-based: recycling more, doing volunteer...
Are Your Homeowner’s Rates Increasing?
Posted: December 27, 2013
Florida homeowners are playing the highest insurance rates in the nation, even though we haven’t been hit by a hurricane in nearly a decade. So what gives? State regulators have continued to approve rate increases this year, although there are signs rates may finally be stabilizing. The best way to for Florida homeowners to maximize savings on coverage is to confirm whether you are eligible...
4 Tips To Save Money On Gas
Posted: December 27, 2013
In today’s struggling economic times, people are constantly looking to save money by cutting things from their lives that are not considered necessities. Fuel is – unfortunately – not one of those things for most of us. Whether it’s getting you from Point A to Point B, allowing you to cook or warming your home, the cost of fuel is a common “must” included in...